
magic1623 t1_j96j09p wrote

Headline is a little misleading. It seems more like people got suspicious because they couldn’t replicate the results of the paper and are looking into it.

>”There have not been any formal investigations, allegations, claims or complaints regarding scientific fraud or misrepresentation involving the Nature 2009 paper,” wrote Susan Willson, a Genentech spokesperson. “The project received a regular review by Genentech’s Research Review Committee (RRC), as is routinely done for Genentech’s drug discovery projects.”
She wrote that “neither the RRC meeting nor the decision to conduct follow-up experiments was due to any concern about fraud in the Nature 2009 paper.” Willson would not answer multiple questions about whether any issues were ever discovered in the paper.

For anyone who isn’t in the science community, when one researcher finds interesting results its common for other researchers to try to repeat the first study in order to see if they also can get the same results (hence replication). If they can also get the same results it sort of ‘confirms’ that the first results weren’t a fluke and that the original findings can be considered supported which means more people will look in that direction when doing future research.

However, there are times when someone tries to replicate a study and it just doesn’t work out. This can be for a lot of different reasons but it’s almost never because someone falsified data.


magic1623 t1_j6bg7ra wrote

On a linear scale the there are actually some pretty bad groups that fall on the left side of things. Anarchism and communism would both fall into the category of left wing extremists.
