mahjimoh t1_j9iiihr wrote
Reply to comment by CaitCatDeux in What typically happens at book clubs? by NRAAAE
That sounds like a great club!
mahjimoh t1_j9ii8j2 wrote
Reply to comment by mooimafish33 in What typically happens at book clubs? by NRAAAE
I’m a part of two different book clubs that definitely include men. For a while one of the clubs alternated a science fiction book with literary fiction, and we had a bunch of guys for a while during that time.
There are “book clubs” that are really just an excuse to socialize, and then book clubs where they discuss the books.
mahjimoh t1_j2xg0rc wrote
Reply to I’m actually planning on getting this tattooed below a certain scar on my wrist for my birthday. [Text] by Firealarm32
I’d research the source or at least don’t mention it as coming from 1899. :-)
mahjimoh t1_j2bz1bf wrote
City of Thieves by David Benioff is a great book, and the audiobook version read by Ron Perlman is outstanding.
mahjimoh t1_j2bylm1 wrote
Reply to comment by Srynaive in What's the best audiobook you've listened to? by TheAres1999
Came here to include World War Z in my list. Listening to that vs reading it was a completely different experience.
mahjimoh t1_j2bya59 wrote
Reply to comment by ninasreddit in What's the best audiobook you've listened to? by TheAres1999
Ooh, I’ll bet that would be good as an audiobook.
mahjimoh t1_j1xfrsi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I work at a bookstore, and currently "Before the Coffee gets cold" is extremely popular. I looked into it and read the summary and it seems just a little interesting. I'd it worth the read? Why is it so popular and booming? Is it that good? by JesusChristOnlyFans
Funny, basically the same thing here - about two chapters in I just wasn’t interested enough to continue.
mahjimoh t1_ix1w5dq wrote
This is a great tip! I keep being reminded lately about the idea that consistency is the most important thing in maintaining a home, as well as many other things (learning, fitness, etc.).
I have experienced it myself, where for about a year I had a great daily and regular schedule going and everything was so easy! Doing 10 minutes every day was not at all hard, and easier to fit in than trying to plan an hour or two of housecleaning.
mahjimoh t1_j9iinq3 wrote
Reply to What typically happens at book clubs? by NRAAAE
I’d love to know how it went and what you read, u/NRAAAE