majesticbagel t1_iy9akan wrote
Reply to comment by blatantninja in TIL During the 20th century TV series that reached 100 episodes were generally preferred for syndication, since that meant stations could run 20 weeks of programming without repeating a story. In recent years that number has fallen to 88 episodes. by UndyingCorn
Idk if this is the exact same phenomena but studios nowadays don’t like running too many seasons bc the creators start to ask for raises. If you cancel everything after a season or two, you can keep wages lower.
majesticbagel t1_ixklfpo wrote
Reply to comment by joebos617 in The lack of homes could strangle our life sciences industry: Why the concentration of biopharma in Cambridge and Boston would ratchet up costs, exacerbate the housing crisis, and pitch the region from its throne. by writethefuture3
I wonder how much of whats wrong with our politics comes down to old people having nothing better to do. The only people who can afford to spend their entire day becoming a local government nuisance are those who don't work.
majesticbagel t1_iz25m8b wrote
Reply to comment by Murky_Ad_5786 in Former Natick official sentenced for role in Jan. 6 riot | Suzanne Ianni, a member of "Super Happy Fun America," was sentenced to 15 days in prison. by rabblebowser
You sound like Brock Turner’s dad calling his rape “20 minutes of action”.