majorbummer6 t1_jcwbf6l wrote
Reply to comment by not_a_droid in GAGAMBANG, me by simbako258
Would you keep a random black mans family photo album on your coffee table?
majorbummer6 t1_ja2c3my wrote
He's ready to hear your confession.
majorbummer6 t1_ja27cuu wrote
Reply to comment by ChewbacasUglyBrother in My Poppop and his date, circa 1945ish by Tinymoonflower
He definitely had poppop in the attic.
majorbummer6 t1_j9snkje wrote
Reply to comment by ddollarsign in The Girls, me, ballpoint pen, 2022 by Drawingforworld
Hah, I came looking for this. It's just missing Donatello.
majorbummer6 t1_j9pmf3r wrote
This makes life sound like a dreadful marathon of suffering. Neat.
majorbummer6 t1_j0bbrnf wrote
Reply to comment by RandomRDP in TIL Europe's wine owes its existence to the grafting of vines to American grape root stock that weren't vulnerable to a species of aphid that was destined to wipe the industry out. by salton
I must be having deja vu because i saw this topic brought up in a different thread and someone replied word for word this comment.
majorbummer6 t1_isi85sd wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: This gourd found at a pumpkin patch by MrsZapRowsdower
I didnt know the plumbus came in green.
majorbummer6 t1_irrh1zg wrote
Reply to comment by Fetlocks_Glistening in TIL that not all spiders that spin webs make them sticky. One of many strategies includes spinning a fine silky lattice that entangles their prey instead. by Orisno
Lol you read lettuce instead of lattice too?
majorbummer6 t1_irilkii wrote
Reply to "txxthr", made by me by xrev_v
Reminds me of those super close ups on small bugs like lice.
majorbummer6 t1_jegw6l3 wrote
Reply to comment by Affectionate-Depth66 in TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Im literally panicking reading this.