
malachi347 t1_jch800t wrote

How do they compare to horses? I know horses are kinda in that same category of "you look them in the eyes and it doesn't go very deep" unlike Monkeys, Dolphins, etc. They gotta be smarter than cows, but I would imagine not by a whole lot? Or maybe I'm wrong, I have very limited experience with horses (although I do have some - my sister is a "horse person")


malachi347 t1_jaxqfe3 wrote

lol I know how it works, I have several children too. I was mostly trying to be funny, but the nugget of reality despite your confidence and downvotes is that they can't tell the difference down to the days. OB's are the first to admit that conception/gestation dates aren't always perfect, accurate or factual. They can be off by as much as two weeks (looked it up). So yeah, the cynic in me thinks the numbers may have been biased as I'm sure the "record" is widely circulated in that medical circle and a feel-good, fudge-able record like this is prime real estate for news, Guiness, and social media looking for clicks. Anyways, I'll just close with, again, I was trying to be more comedic than specific.


malachi347 t1_iuiifpq wrote

Game demos were the shit. Getting a new system with just a game demo disc was def not tho. At least once I got a system with a demo disc and then a gift card to buy my first game... But everything is closed on Christmas (!!!) so I'd just play the hell out of the demos all day lol. I think it was my first playstation.