
t1_iur721v wrote

this article has chart with similar data

I've been hearing a lot of complaints that Halloween wasn't like it was in the 80s. (Or whenever, but I'm old and remember the 80s) Usually complaining about things like trunk or treats, or my community changed trick or treat to be on Sunday this year and earlier in the day, which meant that little kids could do the trick or treat in daylight. When I was a kid, trick or treat was always on Halloween, rain or snow, and in the dark. And often parents would be in the car to follow you slowly and drive you past the dark houses to the next clump of candy houses. But that was all incredibly dangerous. We're doing some better things now, though we also have bigger cars that make it harder to even see children crossing the street. I really hope we learn to take car safety seriously. We do so much else for children's safety, but cars are by far the leading cause of death under 18.


t1_itr3p8a wrote

Other than being made of recycled materials, it doesn't seem that different than other wireless bras. Many wireless bras have stretch to accommodate multiple cup sizes. Also, some of the models on their website look like they would be higher than a C in a properly fitted bra, but if you're just looking for something elastic to cover you without a perfect fit there's already plenty of cheaper options.

I'm also skeptical of whether the recycled materials claim is really that much better. The article and website don't go into it, but how much of bra is recycled? From what? What's the carbon footprint of manufacturing it that way versus another way? Can the bra be recycled when you're done with it?

My impression is that this is just marketing hype.