
marua06 t1_j48htvv wrote

Oh yes. I was being tailgated by a pickup pulling a flatbed and maybe the guy was texting or smtg because he did not see my stop with turn signal (with AMPLE amount of time with signal on and braking) and he had to hit the brakes so hard that there was a screech and a pungent odor of burning rubber. I heard and smelled it before I saw how close he came. The long skid marks remain on the road to this day, and this was months ago.

People just don’t think. Or maybe they don’t realize that accidents can happen in a split second.


marua06 t1_ixhbb9w wrote

Guilford and Madison both have the small town New England feel. Both are especially great if you have kids, as the schools are excellent and there is a lot to do. Just know that while the quaint is strong in both towns, it also means you’ll be driving to most big box stores when you need to. They are sleepier in the summer but don’t get the tourist influx that the Old Saybrook area does so it’s not as jarring of a change when summer is over. Honestly I’d consider commute over everything when choosing.