
mayormcskeeze t1_j6jylgy wrote

It really is a shame how completely useless the internet has become.

In just a few years "googling" something has gone from a sure fire way to find valuable information to a complete waste of time because everything has been choked out by garbage pages probably written by AI.

Edit: getting a lot of pushback on this comment. Obviously I was being hyperbolic calling the internet "useless." Its obviously useful and there amazing things happening on/with it.

So let me expand on what I meant in a less sarcastic way. While there is awesome stuff from personal communication to science breakthroughs to amazing open source projects that provide a wealth of utility and information, for many of us our basic day-to-day experience with the internet has gotten shittier and shittier.

Yes, you can pop over to r/internetisbeautiful and see some mindblowing applications, but wanna find a recipe? Fuck you it's all garbage. Email? Endless spam and bullshit. Social media? "Influencers" shoving products at you. YouTube? Dominated by the gutter trash that pushes the algorithm. Retail? Good luck finding something decent in the cesspool of fake shit that is Amazon. Customer service? Complete scam.

Do any of these obstacles ruin the underlying application? No. You can eventually sift through the crap and get to the recipe. You eventually sift through the crap and find the bedsheets you want. You can eventually sift through the crap and find your real emails.

But for those of us who grew up pre-internet and experienced a short period before all of thr ads, the data theft, the spam, the scams, the crap, and ENDLESS oppressive monetization, this version of the internet feels very disappointing.


mayormcskeeze t1_j036q9l wrote

What's the medical definition?

I wonder if I do this.

I mean, I definitely binge eat, and stress eat, and stress-binge eat by my own definition, but I wonder if I do it to the point that it's a medical eating disorder.