
mesoliteball t1_j9x4q03 wrote

If anybody’s looking for particular recommendations: Svadba (on the 31st and 1st) and Cantori New York (on the 4th and 5th) are each going to be exceptional, like nothing you’ve heard (… literally, in the case of Cantori’s two premieres :)).

To OP: I used to do this for money so it’s very moving to see you doing it for pleasure and to help others


mesoliteball t1_iwv58wa wrote

Do you know about Materials for the Arts? Free materials for nonprofits (donated by corporations so usually new and often great quality) – they tend to have fabrics more than finished clothing but there’s fantastic variety. Some of the theaters/orgs you interact with will have existing relationships with MFTA.


mesoliteball t1_iqwai4x wrote

It’s been a real joy to watch the programming continue opening up & modernizing under YNS, to include more new & lesser-known rep. Are players’ opinions sought/considered at all in forming the programming approaches?

(Related: what new/unusual rep coming up in this or future seasons are you especially excited about?)