micahfett t1_j60kwml wrote
Reply to HoloLens AR actually makes soldiers less lethal, soldiers hate it | Report comes after Microsoft lays off various VR/AR employees by BlueLightStruct
Don't worry, it won't get dirty or fog up. I'm sure getting a proper cheek weld will be no problem. Those tubes running down your head to your back will never get snagged on anything, whipping your head back suddenly. Slinging your rifle over your shoulder or back absolutely won't yank all that shit off. Signing for a bunch of SI and spending hours PMCS'ing it and standing in line to return it isn't an issue. All the batteries being dead because the last guy didn't turn it off will never be a thing and the pelican case you have to store it in will easily fit in your ruck - you won't even notice it.
And for all of that convenience you'll receive: slightly less combat efficiency. Please sign here to buy a million.
micahfett t1_j5weoo5 wrote
Reply to Exo planets, what are they? by Brown_Monkeykr
Planets, by definition, orbit the Sun. A celestial body that meets all of the requirements to be a planet with the exception of orbiting the Sun would be an extrasolar planet, or "exoplanet".
So basically just planets outside the solar system. Tatooine or Hoth would both be considered exoplanets. Pandora (from Avatar) is an exoplanet.
micahfett t1_j51csho wrote
Reply to comment by g7luiz in TIFU by having a picture of a flag on my phone by munilotthug
You're not the only one, amigo
micahfett t1_j43ure5 wrote
Reply to [OC] Germany's gas imports from Russia vs total. Russia went from 35% to 0% vs total 38% global reduction. by hcrx
THANK YOU for including totals there. I keep seeing graphs showing reduction in Russian gas imports like it's some amazing victory without showing that these countries are unable to fully replace the imports. Seeing the whole picture requires more information than the other posts have been providing.
Europe is working hard to manage their energy situation right now because of the deficit and those efforts aren't reflected in the 1-sided graphs people keep posting.
micahfett t1_jc7gqiz wrote
Reply to What can a ChatGPT developed by a well-funded intelligence agency such as the NSA be used for? Should we be concerned? by yoaviram
Maybe one of the most basic applications would be persistent infiltration of niche social organizations, such as radical groups, subversive organizations, etc. Get a profile set up, establish a presence, develop a track record with some credibility. Become an inroad for future interactions.
Rather than devoting a lot of agents to monitoring and working their way into groups, set up an AI to do it. Monitor what's going on and notify the agency if certain triggers are met. At that point a human could take over and begin the investigative process.
AI can be involved in tens of thousands of groups and always be engaged and responsive whereas an agent could not.
Also the ability to digest massive amounts of information and extract understanding from it, rather than looking for key phrases or keywords, then produce summaries of what the information relates to.
Imagine an algorithm that searches for keywords like "bomb" and then flags a conversation for review by an agent. That agent then needs to look at context and tangential information, go back and search profiles for previous posts and begin to try and put together a picture of what's going on, taking days or weeks to do so. An AI could do that for thousands of instances simultaneously.
Is any of this "concerning"? I guess I leave that up to the individual to decide for themselves.