morderkaine t1_j6lqjej wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: when people give up red meat for lent, why do they always eat fish instead? Aren't chicken and turkey white meats too? by Inanimatepony
Like how Jewish people have the most restricting laws but so many ways around them
morderkaine t1_izi36un wrote
Reply to comment by 4354574 in The technological singularity is happening (oc/opinion) by FrogsEverywhere
What proof do you have that it isn’t? The brain is all there is that thinks and makes us who we are and let’s us control our bodies. With the lack of anything else, consciousness can only be from there.
morderkaine t1_ivft4pw wrote
Reply to comment by fastspinecho in We know about viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms evolving to better infect other organisms. Consequently, diseases change too to some extent. Are there any examples of human bodies evolving to fight against these disease causing agents? by ha_ha_ha_ha_hah
I would say that is not so - an individual doesn’t evolve, evolution is the change over time of a gene pool of a population of breading individuals. An individual human didn’t evolve the ability we have to sweat glands all over, but the slow change of offspring with better sweating abilities was selected for over a long time giving us the endurance advantage we have over most other mammals.
The change in an individual compared to parents would be more of a variance or mutation depending on what it is, it is only evolution when that change continues on in the population.
morderkaine t1_itzne7c wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Indication_7062 in The Ego Siphon, by me by GenericOnlineName
That’s why it would have to be all believers, not just the good ones.
morderkaine t1_itxtlwb wrote
Reply to comment by TheScumAlsoRises in The Ego Siphon, by me by GenericOnlineName
It’s bill
morderkaine t1_itxftea wrote
Reply to comment by Pizzaman725 in The Ego Siphon, by me by GenericOnlineName
If the Rapture was real (and it was all believers) it would ironically become heaven on earth
morderkaine t1_isz9sx9 wrote
Reply to comment by TavishM13 in PsBattle: This dog on an airplane by findallthebears
Chewbacca fucked a porg
morderkaine t1_j872jfv wrote
Reply to comment by AmayaN00B in PsBattle: This Begging Cat by Lovehatepassionpain
I was going to be pissed if this was not the first reply