
mowhozart t1_jbejb31 wrote

“gave the cops everything they could possibly need”. So you provided a serial number and a receipt maybe? What else are the cops suppose to do? They check all the online re-selling markets already.

Unless there was some evidentiary value during the break in (unlikely) there is not much anyone can do. It’s not CSI.


mowhozart t1_j50mf2z wrote

Yes, I agree. Never stop improving..

But if what the police are saying is true - this may well have been the last remaining option. It would be nice if there were bodycams to get a definitive answer but that is being held up at city hall, not the police. It would be nice if there were more tools, like tasers that could’ve been deployed, but again - that’s on city hall.

The problem I have is that almost everyone is taking this tragedy as an opportunity to push their anti-police agenda. The Muslim Justice League and others are trying to make this a race issue when it’s not. Some City councilors are again using tragedy to shit on police, calling for them to disarm and disband. Councilor Zondervan actually asked why do we need armed police to respond to dangerous calls and that firefighters don’t go into burning buildings with guns. Councilor Azeem asked was it necessary to chase a man who was self harming with a knife. Either these people are out of touch with reality or they just use any tragedy to push their agenda and hope people really aren’t paying attention to the details.


mowhozart t1_j50agq4 wrote

Maybe - or maybe the family he was living with could’ve. Is it reasonable to think that a 20 year old, otherwise healthy person had his first mental health episode and went right to cutting himself, running around the neighborhood with a machete then charging at police? Or were there earlier signs that the family missed or ignored? Both are possible.


mowhozart t1_j50604p wrote

An unarmed response to mental health calls seems like a tragedy waiting to happen. A non-violent situation could easily turn the other way quickly. A Co-Response would be much safer.

I think the city has great services if one seeks them out. No one is talking about this young man’s history. Was this the first episode? Was he suffering from some undiagnosed mental illness?


mowhozart t1_j3t2voo wrote

Bruh, no one cares about your karma except you apparently. You’re getting downvoted because of your shitty takes. Still waiting for explanation and proof on how the police lied in this incident.