mrcssee t1_jc0ck2e wrote
Reply to comment by trashtalkinmomma in The worlds largest pearl to have ever been found, The person who found it kept it for good luck. by Enigmaticsss
You can clearly see 3 people standing at the front of the pearl. So obviously it is as large as a row boat.
mrcssee t1_jab4wq4 wrote
Reply to comment by thansal in Lechon Burger by keysinunez
Yeah, simply put this on a plate and it can be dishes
mrcssee t1_j8grbzf wrote
Reply to Time lapse of Fungi growing. by ooMEAToo
Erect and squirt the wrong direction
mrcssee t1_jed75br wrote
Reply to comment by ialsoagree in local chic fil a with some casual cannibalism by Larrymentalboy
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