
mrkirlew t1_itpgg6f wrote

Newark will never be Hoboken. Brooklyn will never be Manhattan. But! Newark will become a place where people actually care about. Year by year more people are watching Newark. People are coming into Newark saying I can make money here. As the rent prices keep rising and more out of Towner's come in willing to spend high rent money. Things will change. Garbage cans will pop up. Better restaurants will pop up. More up to date infrastructure will pop up. Then it's too late. People of Newark need to put their money together and start creating better opportunities. 10 years Newark will be a place where 50 percent of people living here can not afford.


mrkirlew t1_itjefwf wrote

Ownership of people that actually LIVE IN NEWARK. 75 percent of Newark are renters. That means the landlord lives in another town. That means the people that are paid to take care of Newark just need to do the minimum. Who is going to call their council people to take care of Newark. Renters in Newark dont even know who to call if something goes wrong in their apartment. Who is going to call their respective precincts to walk their neighborhood. Most people don't even know their precinct. I just moved to Newark from Brooklyn and I see people who don't even know they in a billion dollar town. It's Deja Vu. Don't worry in ten years you going to see trash cans everywhere.


mrkirlew t1_itj7rqw wrote

The developers have locked in on the train route towns to boost up the rent prices. When there was a recession in 2008 Newark it was cheap. It's more than just the price of materials. People in NYC are looking for cheap places. What happened in Brooklyn, is going to happen to Newark. We recently had a council person locked up for taking bribes from developers. Newark is worth billions. People in Brooklyn said the same thing.