
mrmeowmeowington t1_j5fhqb5 wrote

I’ve attended a few psilocybin conferences and they say the same, if you’re diagnosed bipolar or with schizophrenia, it is dangerous to do while in that manic state. You have to be very careful.

There are professionals in some states like California and colorido where you can speak to them about being prescribed psilocybin and if you’re a candidate.

Please be safe.


mrmeowmeowington t1_iu12o1j wrote

I would look into Dr. Gabor Mate’s work. He was a doctor who decided to start looking at trauma, addiction and adhd. He himself had childhood trauma which imprinted into his body and he developed adhd. The Nazi’s were occupying Hungary and his mom was afraid he’d be taken so she gave him to a stranger to take care of him. He was a child and it was traumatic for him not to have his mother. He has so many talks and books which are very enlightening.


mrmeowmeowington t1_iu124y9 wrote


mrmeowmeowington t1_iu11mlu wrote

Hello Dr. Lee. I am a psychology student who is applying to schools that have an emphasis in trauma and a lab with psychedelic work. Are there any books you recommend? I’m in love with biopsychology and the effects it has on the bodily systems. It’s amazing how much reoccurring stress can cause. I know this first hand as I have c-ptsd and a myriad of chronic illnesses which have made me disabled. Also, I have experienced so many micro aggressions while trying to join research labs and see that academia is very able bodied and prefers white males. Would you say it’s hard for a woman in academia?