
myDooM_ t1_j708bj3 wrote

In my country, anyone who didn't follow the narrative were quickly shut down, and excluded from participating. Even the old commies were "forced" (well they have no spine) to support NATO. Otherwise they were basically Nazis.

Russian media like RT was actually quickly banned as well. People who dared support Russia are fined in some countries ("Z" suddenly as bad as swastika). All of our media serves the same western lies about the Ukraine war, lack of insight as to what lies behind so people have no idea what it's about - but they sure hate them russians! (Feels like 1956). Google makes sure to bury any media that doesn't behave, as "misinformation" sites. Same obviously goes for all the other sites westernes use to find information.

So much for freedom.

But oh right, Russia bad!! Putin bad!! 🤡


myDooM_ t1_iw2yxap wrote

He's an American, what did you expect? They love judging everyone else, while they live in comfort. Look at him go, in the echo-chamber that is /r/Ukraine, cheering at Europeans killing each other. "SeEmS LikE YoU CAre ABout The EcOnomy AnD Not The EaRth" written from his sweat-shop-made iPhone, no doubt.
