
t1_j9qlwvp wrote

As an entity approaches the speed of light, time will slow down to a near stop. Something that just passed the event horizon will experience a much longer perception of time than an entity outside the black hole. The outside viewer sees something get devoured instantly. The entity entering the black hole could experience billions of years.

What are the odds that all of these physics and astronomy questions still linger? Quantum mechanics, accurately measuring the distance and size of celestial bodies, etc. Even the simple double slit experiment demonstrates how absurd the "rules" are regarding time and energy. I think the odds that science can create productive fusion but can't form any real consensus on many of the the results from CERN are low.

What explains the spooky action at a distance, gravity waves, an ever expanding but lifeless universe, dilation of time and light? We are being turned into spaghetti this very moment. Earth is already at the event horizon. Our entire history is a stretched out perception of time due to approaching the speed of light. In short, we are all essentially already crushed. We just don't and can't know it yet.


t1_j1tie1k wrote

Sell cash secured puts well OTM to build capital, then start shopping closer to ATM or even ITM until assignment. Sell covered calls OTM until you decide to protect your shares by rolling the contract or you again welcome getting your shares called away at a profit. Then sell another cash secured put...

Avoid the wash sale by going out 30+ days or pick a different ticker and do weeklies if you want to maximize theta decay. It is a bit of preference here, mostly in terms of how much you want to monitor your position. Weeklies trade on gamma as much as delta so they need pretty careful attention or you will get burnt if you sell Monday and check Friday.

Aside from a massive market crash or picking a very volatile stock, this is a pretty well tested method of making money in a small portfolio with access to margin. It won't likely make 10x in a month or two, but given time, it will.