
naught_my_dad t1_iydgun1 wrote

If you’re on the fence about college

Take 1 class a semester. Over time those will accumulate. If this job pans out the way you want it to. Your investment in your education isn’t wasted and you can drop the school.

What’s more likely in my opinion is that you’ll get tired of this job and then you’ll have racked up some credits towards a degree and your time is not wasted.

If I did this when I was your age working a dead end job( I’m referring to my dead end job I’m sure urs is nice), I would’ve got my degree way sooner and honestly getting my degree changed my life. A lot of my stress about money is still there as i think it will always be, but my quality of life has increased 10 fold.

At ur age, you can spend 4 years busting ur ass in school and get a decent job you enjoy doing or ten years working to find out you’ve hit a wall or need to go to school.