
neovb t1_j582aiu wrote

Relativity aside, something going the speed your mention would only hypothetically be able to escape the black hole before the event horizon. After it crosses the event horizon it could no longer escape the black hole's gravity.

But I think the answer to your question is no, since the faster something goes the higher it's mass. To reach the speed of light for anything with mass is effectively impossible, as at the speed of light any thing (no matter how small) would have an infinite mass and therefore require infinite energy.


neovb t1_j2ccs5p wrote

Hypothetically, you are asking whether there is a way you can illegally share copyrighted materials. I don't think this is the right forum for that type of thing.

Alternatively, you can just easily buy the boxed set for $35 on Amazon. It's not hard to find...


neovb t1_j24eziv wrote

There are only two things that would impact the color you see: the physical properties and chemical composition of the exhaust plume and the atmospheric conditions at time of launch. So one of those two things (most likely actually a combination of both) would cause the color you are referring to.


neovb t1_j24a5g1 wrote

Different propellants produce differently colored plumes of smoke. For example the kerosene/liquid oxygen propellant used in the Merlin engine has a yellowish tint due to carbon in the exhaust gas. But most likely any of the beautiful color you are referring to is simply a matter of atmospheric conditions and lighting when the rocket is launched.


neovb t1_j0f3icw wrote

Certainly a TIFU, but that sounds to me like a good amount of food poisoning from questionable food in New Orleans and not necessarily alcohol. And let me tell you, there's a LOT of questionable places to eat there.


neovb t1_iyaxs8z wrote

How would you feel if he went into your social media and deleted everyone that he thought you shouldn't be talking to? I'm pretty sure you'd be pretty pissed off if you found out. Frankly you have abused his trust and should probably tell him what you did before he discovers it. This actually is a pretty serious fuck up, especially assuming that you are in a happy and healthy relationship which includes trusting your partner.