
neverknowswhattosay t1_j22gfbb wrote

It looked great and the core premise of what the world ultimately ends up being is really cool and original. I love the fact that there are no real antagonists. I love the part of it that lives in exploration.

But the script is so heavy handed. It turned what could have been an American Ghibli movie into a cliche melodrama that’s more about a recycled father-son conflict than the strange world.


neverknowswhattosay t1_ixmx4k4 wrote

Michael Clayton. It’s just a very oddly structured movie that doesn’t resemble many other films. The story that would be the driving plot of 95% of most movies (lawyer taking on the big company) is seen through the eyes of a bit player who’s life is falling apart around him. It’s not quite a legal drama and the criminal aspects are played so nonchalantly that it can’t even reasonably be called a crime thriller. The main antagonist’s first scene has her drying sweaty pits in a bathroom stall.

First time I saw it, I liked it but was left a bit baffled. Now I’m convinced it’s the best film of 2007 (same year with There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men) and one of the top 5 American movies since 2000.