nevermore90038 t1_jb9r5lv wrote
Reply to Rhode Island needs a bottle bill. Join us at the state house to advocate for a cleaner Rhode Island this Thursday at 3pm. This is 10,000 tossed nips. #rimillion-pieces by trashgirl1986
You do NOT need a bottle bill.
Fight these Liberals tooth and claw on this one.
In Portland Oregon, drug addicts collect the cans and bottles by rummaging through your trash and recycle bins and then cashing in the bottles for the money. They then spend the cash on heroin and fentanyl.
You do NOT need a bottle bill!
nevermore90038 t1_jcz80aa wrote
Reply to Overdose Prevention Center coming to Providence - Community discussion event 4/6 @ 6PM! by idharamsi
Don't let anyone convince State Government to implement a bottle/can deposit.
Addicts will scour your neighborhood for cans and bottles, turn them in for cash, and then buy more drugs!