ninetentacles t1_j6l8k3v wrote
Reply to comment by breckenridgeback in ELI5: Why is exercise good to lower high blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises while exercising, so how does that not have the same effect as high blood pressure while resting? by jeezwill
Excellent, thanks! I don't have a normal control to test, so I had to ask...
I've maintained my resting heart rate over the last few months of actively trying to rest and pace myself to try and help my long COVID. This has caused much hand wringing about deconditioning from every single person (not to mention what all of their friends say!) who knew me before I got sick! Despite me telling them I'm still hitting my Fitbit (now switched to Garmin!) cardio goals, they are thoroughly convinced that deconditioning is something you'll never notice until one day you get up to make a coffee and your legs crumble into dust. Which you can then supposedly never recover from. A presumably healthy person like you, your description of deconditioning and your knowledge of your own body and what's going on inside it isn't questioned as much as...anyone within a 10 mile radius of the 'rona.
ninetentacles t1_j6l45vy wrote
Reply to comment by breckenridgeback in ELI5: Why is exercise good to lower high blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises while exercising, so how does that not have the same effect as high blood pressure while resting? by jeezwill
After how long, would you say? Weeks, months, years?
And does that mean that if your RHR stays the same around 60ish, you're getting adequate cardio in to avoid deconditioning?
ninetentacles t1_j6g4hqr wrote
Reply to comment by breckenridgeback in ELI5: Why is exercise good to lower high blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises while exercising, so how does that not have the same effect as high blood pressure while resting? by jeezwill
Ah, was just wondering because it's often at lower heart rates when I feel my heart pounding particularly forcefully, but I think my oxygen transfer may be a bit out of whack cause rona.
Will deconditioning cause your resting heart rate to go back up? Or if you're less active will you still maintain your low RHR past the point where whatever damage people think you're going to cause yourself by not pushing yourself to exercise til you drop through something like long COVID?
ninetentacles t1_j6g0xnh wrote
Reply to comment by breckenridgeback in ELI5: Why is exercise good to lower high blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises while exercising, so how does that not have the same effect as high blood pressure while resting? by jeezwill
Wouldn't your heart need to beat more forcefully to move the same volume of blood completely around your body at 60bpm than at 100bpm, though?
And are these your own actual numbers, or are people more likely to see a more modest decrease in resting heart rate, like from 70bpm to 60? 100 seems awful high for "resting"!
ninetentacles t1_j6ogcx6 wrote
Reply to comment by breckenridgeback in ELI5: Why is exercise good to lower high blood pressure? Your blood pressure rises while exercising, so how does that not have the same effect as high blood pressure while resting? by jeezwill
No, I was just looking for a healthy, fit control that didn't have COVID, but also had familiarity with their own heart rate.