
nintendomech t1_j5al6jl wrote

Family of 4. It’s a 5 bedroom 3 bath home. 2700sqft home so not huge and half of it is a basement. Really it wasn’t too many panels. It was 102% efficiency and no battery pack. It was at most a 30 panel system on my roof. I was like I’m gonna have to pass and not own my own grid.

For an 8 panel system it was going to cost me 30k. That was a package just to get my foot into solar.

Can you tell me where you found your prices or who was going to do the work for you? I was using blue Raven, but it was just so expensive. I didn’t want to do that. I was going to finance a sports car soon and I thought if I did solar panels, It would be bye bye sports car.