nivenfan t1_j61rcfw wrote
Reply to [homemade] Mushroom Avocado Toast by kytran40
I’m not gonna lie… you could have captioned this “Grilled Isopod” and I would have believed you.
nivenfan t1_j2zidcx wrote
Pendleton county in West Virginia must suuuuuck. It’s like a glitchy neon sign during the whole animation.
nivenfan t1_j122x63 wrote
Reply to Sci-Fi Movies In The Future? by Producedinchina
People have a tendency to use as much power as they can create. Modern conveniences have gotten more energy efficient over the years, but we negate the gains by buying more TVs, phones, cars, refrigerators, deep freezers, etc. In the future, I can imagine most writing devices having an optional light built into them. Your jacket will have LEDs and charge wirelessly on the rack. Simple things that don't use electricity today will use them tomorrow while we continue to hope fusion becomes a real power source.
nivenfan t1_jcvyxrd wrote
Reply to comment by 2073521 in PsBattle: Person in ghillie suit vs Darth vader by Chocolate_taco22
Darth Tater