no_usernames_avail t1_izcnk9x wrote
Reply to comment by TrueBirch in Swans: The ultimate gift from your true love [OC] by TrueBirch
Have geese ever drowned people?
no_usernames_avail t1_iv1rmff wrote
Reply to comment by roflolmaomgdi in [OC] Visualising Zoom's revenue and profit sources by giteam
Sankey. Either online tools or power bi. Pain to make in tableau but have done before.
no_usernames_avail t1_j6bnv5u wrote
Reply to comment by SassySybil71 in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
I don't liquor shop in many parts of the country besides home... do you not have didn't liquor superstores that have everything and anything?