
t1_jchpnn3 wrote

My guess is that hot box detector technology (it senses wheelbearing temp, the cause of a lot of derailments) got a whole lot better untill the early to mid-2000s when “precision railroading” came into vouge. This basically means, cut jobs and therefore maintenance untill shit breaks, people and equipment to maximize profits. That Ohio car was hot at the last couple of detectors it passed. Their stated safety culture was a farce as they punished late trains instead of rewarding when overheated bearings were found. Case in point, walking SLOWLY back to the end of the train to check a hot bearing after failing a detector pass by, which would allow it cool off enough that it “passed” the in person inspection. Cutting that failed car out took more time then the slow walk and they would be punished for a late train. When you only reward ontime trains what the fuck do you think happens.


t1_jasg0zz wrote

I worked at the high school I attended for a few years after. The lockers needed to be painted, but when they removed the built in locks, it reset them to one of three possible combinations....3 days before school started. So my coworker handled the records and I opened 1000 lockers working late into the night those 3 nights. By the end of it I could open any locker no matter the code just by feel. One of my favorite employment memories. Everyone was so happy we pulled it off.


t1_j262su2 wrote

Things are changing in ways never before believed, so the old rules don’t apply. No one at all is saying is nuclear versus renewables. They can both be a part of the mix if it makes sense. I worked for a large electric utility and they are not innovative entities at all and the economic model is outdated and reinforces this behavior. Everyone cites cost of nukes, but that is really all tied up in insurance and risk. France has done just fine with their nuclear program because it’s nationalized. I’m not sure if renewables will be able to take the full load. I think nuclear will be required, but it will take a completely different economic model from the past.


t1_itjwma4 wrote

Ooof, so much mis-information here. 5G is the 3GPP Release 15 specification. LTE was Release 8. 5G can be applied on all current bands. It sucks because carrier marketing runs way ahead of network builds, period. It takes time to touch 75K macro towers and build who knows how many CRAN/micro cells (think street light mounted cell site). The bugs will be worked out.


t1_is7ffv7 wrote

I’d argue the biggest obstacle is will. We certainly ended up with a nuclear weapons arsenal that is much bigger then the power generation industy with all the waste products to boot. Sometime in the 1970s, the US lost the will to bet big. The moon landing and interstate highway system come to mind. We put our minds to it and did it. Problems came up and were addressed. You can’t start a huge project with all the reasons you can’t do it first.