
nutmeggerking t1_jcq7ufl wrote

>Because that would be bad for public health.

I'd make an argument that it would be in the public interest to not bail them out. If you keep voting with the mentality of "I got mine, fuck you" and insist on voting for deregulations and taxes then stick to your principles and don't go running to the government for a bailout.

Maybe they will learn a lesson about why regulations and government are important the next time they decide to vote.

Something Something personal responsibility, something something rugged individualism, something something boot straps.


nutmeggerking t1_jcodtx5 wrote

Isn't that what the citizens of Ohio keep insisting on?

I liken it to someone refusing to buy insurance and then pleading for a bailout when disaster strikes.

All those "bad government regulations" were meant to prevent this stuff from happening. You know, the regulations that the right wing has been actively undermining and dismantling for like half a century now. And it's not like it's the politicians that are doing it secretly. It's literally what the average GOP voter wants and calls for: fewer regulations and super low taxes. So here you are: no regulations to stop this from happening, and no welfare safety net to help out if disaster strikes.

They made this bed, it's time they learn from it. Otherwise, these instances will only increase and the red state voters will insist on bailouts while continuing to vote for deregulation. As the conservative adage goes: give a man a fish, yatta yatta, teach a man to appreciate regulations and there might still be healthy fish left for you to catch.


nutmeggerking t1_ja3q050 wrote

Lol this clown just proved that he only adds to the danger by arming himself. He's the type of moron that would accidentally shoot an innocent person if there was a shootout.

If everyone is already armed, why do you feel the need to arm yourself? Someone else will be armed. But I guess when you are scared of your own shadow, you feel the need to arm yourself. It's a fucking sad existence.

Fact: he is statistically likely to end up being the only person to shoot him in his lifetime


nutmeggerking t1_iuh50rw wrote

> It is ok to disagree with someone. It is not okay to attack a person.

Yeah, but you didn't actually provide anything remotely constructive. The fact that you seem to think you did is worrying. Your comment wasn't even a proper critique of Greta, it was just lazy and immature. Pretending that you were merely saying that you are "unimpressed with Greta" is just nonsense.


nutmeggerking t1_iugy9iz wrote

:) maybe don't be condescending and people won't come back at you. The fact that it's listed on your profile means this happens to you a lot. So maybe, just maybe, also consider the possibility that sometimes it's a direct result of how you conduct yourself.