
orgngrndr01 t1_j6gfzc0 wrote

The Indian military was wowed and impressed by the amount of military hardware the Soviets offered them Being a country that exported cheap goods to foreign markets, they knew they but would get much more than what was offered from the West. Until , that is,when they had border disputes with Pakistan, which had better UK,US hardware. The recent failures showing the inferior Russian hardware were inferior to UK and US hardware,coupled with Indian GDP growth has the military shopping for BETTER hardware,even with less amounts.

The Russians were trumpeting their newest aviation and hypersonic missile tech, that was, according to Russian propaganda,untouchable and not able to be shotdowb, UNTIL the Ukrainians shot one down and ad the videos to prove it. Now the Indian gov. as well ax other Russian goods shoppers are asking when the US and the West will have theirs ready, as they look to buy a substantial number of F-35's