
overitncallinuout t1_jdhwhmu wrote

Well a while back when there were certsin popular web sites for streaming things (pirate), the FCC had begun cracking down...even for downloads that were not for profit. Some would see a letter in the mail threatening court, and I can tell you that there were a number of people (at lwast one that I can remember) who were made an example of. I hope this makes sense. It is something you can research on your own if you would like more information.


overitncallinuout t1_j833xcv wrote

It's annoying to know how much space isnt even being used. Like the places are sitting empty for most of the year for years...the only thing that "occupies" is the money invested by the people who just want somewhere to park their cash. Lol I accidentally laughed, but u have to or u will just get more upset.