
ozonejl t1_je3bh7o wrote

Good to see a reasonable person who doesn’t just see a threat to their job and freaks out. New technology always comes with the same concerns and challenges. I’m kinda like…people already fall for loads of obviously, transparently fake shit on Facebook, but somehow this is gonna be so much worse?


ozonejl t1_je3ay6c wrote

I’m in the Adobe Firefly beta and the content filters are pretty restrictive. Deleted what I thought were a couple innocuous words from my prompts AND I wouldn’t let me use “Michael Jackson.” To be fair, I was trying to make Michael Jackson at the karaoke bar with G.G. Allin, who apparently Adobe doesn’t know about.


ozonejl t1_ixwaz0e wrote

The thing is, AI is coming whether you like it or not. You can say “this art isn’t real art” because it’s made by AI and I can say “this car isn’t a real car” because it’s made by robots, but at the end of the day if it gets the job done and people can’t tell, it doesn’t matter. There will always be money for people with an artistic eye who can draw/paint. It’s just that you might have to develop another skill or two.


ozonejl t1_ixvhnr4 wrote

This sounds pretty much like any other old man yells at new technology moment throughout history. “Sampling isn’t real music” yadayadayada. If your visual art is innovative and has a strong point of view, you’re gonna be fine. If you do online commissions of shit like “Pikachu in the style of Gustav Klimt” your career might be in trouble, eventually.