
phree1337 t1_ixmn80s wrote

Your options are picking a place both of you will hate life or just the one going to Boston will suffer. I wouldn’t do that commute for less than 400k a year even one day a week. i had a radiology class at boston university and even coming from the north I left at 330 for a 8 am class with mins to spare, the only flight I’ve ever missed was going to Logan left at 4 for a 1140am flight from. Groton ct


phree1337 t1_itmwwm7 wrote

I am no expert but my moms friend was a teacher in Connecticut for decades(80k plus) and she still got loads of shit from parents bc they pay so much in taxes it then created a “you make more than I do to babysit” (yeah right). It’s a shame the ones who educate future doctors/nurses/scientists are treated like county paid daycare attendants!!