
physco219 t1_ja18kaf wrote

While I am highly tech-savvy (don't ask I signed an NDA) I know a lot of others who aren't. They can be younger or older or even my age but I am the go-to and the 1st to be called when they see something on FB or if their computer is acting weird. The last convo I had with a friend in her 80s was "my camera on zoom shows my door on the wrong side, how come and how do I move my door." It was just a flipped video and had me laughing for the rest of the day, but I walked her thru fixing her door without her realizing the entire video was flipped. Only after did I explain and it made sense when I asked her about photos with writing she had taken a long long time ago. So I try to point out things that are obvious to many but many others go "oh I didn't think of that. Just so happened that your awesome comment tweaked my need to add my insight and share the 411.


physco219 t1_ix6ptph wrote

OP report it, you're gonna need to anyways to get them replaced. But report them now if you haven't already so you're bit dragged into something like a drive-by or a home invasion or something bad. They might even have a car that looks like yours to pass off as you. Shouldn't take long to report and get the report quickly and easily.