Technology is a distraction, mostly welcome, but can be another escape, another way to disassociate, see people as objects or compartmentalize them into problems (my parents, my ex, my my my). It facilitates expediency, which leads to bad decision making. Like everything else, alcohol or appearance, it’s how you handle it, or if you recognize when you’ve gone too far or depended too much. It’s staying ahead of it, like staying ahead of an airplane.
Getting behind a habit, it has affected other habits, now you’re just trying to catch up and the plane is spinning out of control.
pilotclaire t1_itxsb9j wrote
Reply to The philosophy of Martin Heidegger who argued that the Technological mindset has destroyed our relationship to the world so that Nature is seen as so many resources to exploit. He presents an alternative: a poetic relationship to the world by thelivingphilosophy
Technology is a distraction, mostly welcome, but can be another escape, another way to disassociate, see people as objects or compartmentalize them into problems (my parents, my ex, my my my). It facilitates expediency, which leads to bad decision making. Like everything else, alcohol or appearance, it’s how you handle it, or if you recognize when you’ve gone too far or depended too much. It’s staying ahead of it, like staying ahead of an airplane.
Getting behind a habit, it has affected other habits, now you’re just trying to catch up and the plane is spinning out of control.