
pineappleshnapps t1_je5et09 wrote

Hey, just wanted to say, I know at 25 it can feel like you’re not getting anywhere, I know I did. It took a while for me to figure out what I wanted to do, a lot of what i do/how I live could probably be described as non traditional.

I dropped out of college cause I didn’t know why I was there, I worked odd jobs and in random different fields, pursued some dreams, and found something that made me happy. It took a bit longer to get comfortable with it and feel like I was in a good spot.

Being an influencer is tough to make work, cause it basically depends on a lot of luck, and the right content. Think of things you enjoy, and maybe start taking pictures posting videos of those things, if that’s the route you want to take, but I’m curious why influencer? Not rock star, movie star, or just world traveler?


pineappleshnapps t1_j44zysy wrote

Reply to comment by Anrikay in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

Same! While also remembering that i can’t focus too much on me, and not enough about the people around me. I’d worked myself into a bad spiral of not giving myself any credit or slack, and it led to some real rough times