Not speaking on Mike Flanagan specifically, just on the general increase in monologues in movies and shows- some of them are very obvious award shows bait, whether it be for the actor or the writer. And the more commonplace it gets, the more unconvinced I am. Like when a character launches into a monologue and the scenery chewing just screams obvious and unsubtle 'LOOK AT ME IM ACTING' takes me out of the scene.
pinkminerva t1_iue1jlq wrote
Reply to comment by trooperdx3117 in The Midnight Club Showcases the Best and Worst of Mike Flanagan's Narrative Obsessions by PetyrDayne
Not speaking on Mike Flanagan specifically, just on the general increase in monologues in movies and shows- some of them are very obvious award shows bait, whether it be for the actor or the writer. And the more commonplace it gets, the more unconvinced I am. Like when a character launches into a monologue and the scenery chewing just screams obvious and unsubtle 'LOOK AT ME IM ACTING' takes me out of the scene.