
pinkshirtbadman t1_j7q46lh wrote

Length of viewing time as a metric for popularity doesn't really work here. A 90 minute movie watched 1,000,000 times is 1.5 million hours of viewing time. A 2 hour movie watched 800,000 times will beat that with 1.6 million hours of viewing time and be more popular on this graph despite having 80% of the views.

"Popularity" is already kind of a nebulous thing to define anyway. If 10 people like movie A, but have no intent to ever watch it again and 8 people absolutely love Movie B and call it their favorite movie of all time, constantly re-watch it, and introduce it to others but the other 2 hate it... which movie is more popular?


pinkshirtbadman t1_iymqxfw wrote

It's interesting, and it kind of works to break it down this way. I didn't fully articulate what my concern is in my other comment, my question is how do you account for situations in which the same person in the same activity would be on opposite ends of the age gap depending on where they play.

A child born late in the year would have the most advantage in school sports, even say just PE class all the way up to the varsity team in high school, but that same individual (particularly as a younger child) would be on the bottom end of the age gap advantage in a city sponsored league that uses the calendar year


pinkshirtbadman t1_iymo0ok wrote

It depends too much on the organization to really be able to split it up for every case.

In the US age /birthday cutoffs vary place to place, but Aug-sept is most common for school classes meaning you are right a child born in September is 10-11 months older than some of their peers in the same class which can be a significant advantage particularly in early years.

Kids' sports (and also many other non sport related extra-circular activities not directly sanctioned by the school) tend to be broken down either by grade, in which case the ~Fall-Late Summer range is most relevant, or by age regardless of grade, in which case Jan-Dec will be the range that matters.


pinkshirtbadman t1_iy559sz wrote

>Why are South Sudan suspended?

Suspended in 2019 for 10 years due to "corruption" which coming from FIFA is a touch ridiculous.

Somaliland is 'suspended' due to not being recognized as a country by the World Cup. Internationally it's still almost universally recognized as part of Somalia

ETA: Info came from a quick Google search, I don't actually know much about it. It appears that a former president of the South Sudan organization himself was banned for the corruption allegations in 2019, not necessarily the entire club. I don't see much more info than that