
pinkwblue t1_j7bm2yx wrote

Something had to cause people to want to start a rebellion. I think that the events in Minneapolis and Portland both had an impact on the January 6th event. These extreme right wing people, IMO, were fed up. I guess they felt storming the Capitol was how they would get their point across. We both know it was a bad move. Those going to prison now probably think the same thing.


pinkwblue t1_j7b4esu wrote

The therapy i was referring to was for individuals. That’s how this started. However , the gang violence you were referring to probably was caused in part by other gang violence like riots in Minneapolis and Portland. These traitors ,as you call them, was tired of burning cities and mass vandalism. Which went on for days or weeks. I agree mass therapy isn’t going to work. But do you think the violence in the 2 cities I imentioned was acceptable ?


pinkwblue t1_j77ildk wrote

There are plenty of therapists you can schedule an appointment with. You don’t need to pull out a gun. However, what I saw in this case the 2 individuals apprehended were out to kill these people. A gun definitely made it easier for them. No matter how hard the laws are criminals will get guns. I remember when President Reagan declared a war on drugs. How many are dying every year from overdoses? If I knew the exactly how to solve both of these problems I would enter politics
