Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_1270yon in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_113elra in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_zx0hp2 in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_z84yq3 in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_1270yon in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_113elra in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_zx0hp2 in Jokes
Submitted by playingwithechoes t3_z84yq3 in Jokes
playingwithechoes t1_iyeybl0 wrote
Reply to How has childhood poverty affected you as an adult? by triedandtru29
I will always try to adequately repair before replacing something's that broken.
I can not stand damaged walls, floors, or ceilings in my own quarters. Have to have everything ship shape.
I do not tolerate bugs. I lived in several places as a renter that turned out to have bug problems. At one point, detonated a six pack at once of bug bombs and the buggers still survived.
I view ever purchase, frivolous or required, in terms of hours of work necessary to acquire it.
I splurge on Christmas gifts for friends and family. If I give you something, it means I want you to have the joy of nice gifts.