ptxtra t1_jedk9yh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The next step of generative AI by nacrosian
That doesn't help with reasoning. It only connects multiple AIs with code. If the AI gives an unreasonable answer to a prompt and forgets the context, you can't help that with chaining it to other AIs.
ptxtra t1_jea9cp3 wrote
Reply to The argument that a computer can't really "understand" things is stupid and completely irrelevant. by hey__bert
Understanding is building a working model of the information you have. AI models have a lot of knowledge and information. What they lack is a logical model that is contradiction free, and a working memory so they could use that model without forgetting. What they use instead is statistical correlations.
ptxtra t1_jea2njq wrote
Reply to The next step of generative AI by nacrosian
The biggest leap for gpt-5 would be logical reasoning, and a functional working memory.
ptxtra t1_jea2b1g wrote
Reply to Can we not pause or shutdown ai? by froggygun
I don't think it's going to happen. Everyone is too concerned about the competition, and people who are actively developing this are convinced it's safe enough.
ptxtra t1_je95gm2 wrote
Reply to comment by nillouise in The Only Way to Deal With the Threat From AI? Shut It Down by GorgeousMoron
This was the most stupid statement of the whole rant. AI with knowledge of biology and biotechnology can create bioweapons, custom enzymes that can eat up all biomass, and biological neural networks to run on. Probably the most dangerous thing you can put in the hands of an AGI.
ptxtra t1_je151ms wrote
Reply to How can we empower humans through A.I. while minimizing job displacement? Ideas? by sweetpapatech
You can't, because AI won't replace jobs, it will replace entire business models. Whole companies will go bankrupt, and new ones using AI will take their place with much less human imput. Governments, and big businesses will be too late and rigid due to their bureocracy to adapt quickly enough. Startups with AI centered methods will take over.
ptxtra t1_je0b8wc wrote
Reply to Are the big CEO/ultra-responsible/ultra-high-paying positions in business currently(or within the next year) threatened by AI? by fluffy_assassins
Everyone will think it's impossible, some small startup will do it while beating all the competition with a large margin, then big CEOs will scramble to integrate the benefits of AI management into their companies while keeping their positions. If it gets banned here, the chinese will do it.
ptxtra t1_je0ax2w wrote
We won't be able to. AI will be the next lesson in humility to humanity that we're not the center of the universe and we're not special.
ptxtra t1_jdyy4ng wrote
Reply to The goalposts for "I'll believe it's real AI when..." have moved to "literally duplicate Einstein" by Yuli-Ban
If it can logically reason, have a meaninful working memory and doesn't forget what was the context a message ago, and use the reasoning, and the available tools and information to come to a workable solution to a problem it's trying to solve, it's going to be a huge step forward, and it will convince a lot of people. I think debates like this will die down after AI stops making trivial mistakes.
ptxtra t1_jedkpji wrote
Reply to TikTok is a "Digital Fentanyl" that is Damaging Mental Health at Scale by BackgroundResult
Not just tiktok. All of social media with AI based recommendation algorithms.