
puralb t1_j2cj9cy wrote

I've been to several mvc offices in different parts of the state. I had all my required paperwork in hand and all the information needed. Everything always went smoothly and quickly.

Too many people show up unprepared and it adds to the workload and stress they deal with. Multiply that times 100 a day and I'm sure it gets old quick.

The MVC might not be the friendliest bunch but people are dumb, and dealing with dumb people gets old quick.


puralb t1_j0uqeyk wrote

There's two things I look at when going to a dealer, the sales department and the service department. I consider them two different entities.

You may want to buy a car where they give you the best price, but take it elsewhere for service, so when you're looking at dealerships take that into consideration.


puralb t1_iu9ojq6 wrote

If you can't see the driver in his side mirrors, he can't see you. I either stay behind tractor trailers or get quickly ahead of them. It's a lot of metal to control and it's possible he didn't see you. Never keep pace side to side with a tractor trailer.

Also the dump trucks on 287 and route 9 are possibly the most dangerous I've encountered.