
purpleflyingmonster t1_jcie692 wrote

I was at the doctor today and they required masks. As an immunocompromised person I really appreciate it when doctors and nurses can at least show respect for those of us who may have to always mask. I should at least feel protected when I get the medical care I am inevitably going to need because of said condition. It’s literally the least anyone could do to mask at the doctor.


purpleflyingmonster t1_j5u9te5 wrote

You don’t ask for a divorce, you get a lawyer and file legal paperwork to start the process, he will be served papers.

Meanwhile record his abuse. Don’t tell him thats what you’re doing. Don’t inflame or provoke him. Just turn on video record and leave the phone where it can hear him. If you need a protective order a recording will be priceless.


purpleflyingmonster t1_j5kgc4h wrote

Reply to My new landlord by WaqqiTV

They cannot raise your rent until your lease expires. They can then write a new lease and raise your rent and you would have to sign that then, which from what you said sounds like July. Since you have time, you can compare what your new rent would be to what other places are renting for at the moment around you. If raising it by 550 a month is about the same as what other people are charging total than you are, probably just going to have to pay the higher rent. Most landlords raise the rent yearly, especially those that are corporate owned like apartment complexes. Private landlords can vary , some will never raise the rent, and some will always raise it yearly. It’s nice that you have this many months to figure it out, most people only got a notice that the rent is going to be raised 30 or maybe 60 days before hand. You have lots of time to do some research and figure out if the new price in July is worth it or not.


purpleflyingmonster t1_iui8k9t wrote

Any one of these republicans who claim abortion support could quickly craft their stance into a policy point and add it to their websites and say it specifically in interviews. They aren’t saying what they believe, they are just saying they don’t believe in a total abortion ban. So what do you believe? Where’s your platform statement about it? They are purposely undefined and ambiguous because they are afraid to actually make a point.

Logan says abortion is codified in CT. That has nothing to do with what he believes. The question is does he want that undone and the answer is yes. Show me where he has ever supported abortion rights. He doesn’t. He’s just hiding behind CT law. Given the chance he would undo that law.


purpleflyingmonster t1_it382i3 wrote

Just moved from Colorado and honestly surprised how little CT offers to make voting accessible. Early voting is an absolute must IMO, people need to work and people need to vote and we all know that even though you are supposed to be allowed to leave work to vote it’s a pretty significant complicating factor for many people.

Universal mail in is awesome. I haven’t voted in person in over a decade. Colorado has it 💯 right when it comes to accessibility. if you are registered you will receive a ballot and there are ballot drop boxes in public locations like DMV buildings and libraries. Its awesome, especially when you consider how the GOP has messed with in person voting machines in various areas there. CT could do so much better!