
r_GenericNameHere t1_j7eeks8 wrote

The best is just to keep the salt off as much as possible.

the worst thing about the salt is the temperatures warming up during the day and the snow and ice with salt melting. also it is worse if you park in a warm garage every night compared to leaving your car out in the cold. keep in mind to the salt is worse on the metal underneath than the painted car. I've seen <5 y/o cars rusted out to the point of no return, if salt isn't manaeged


I knew a mechanic who had a undercarriage washer for his hose, his car he would do underneath every night as he pulled it into the garage.


r_GenericNameHere t1_j4rn7ru wrote

or... people stop hunting coyotes and considering them vermin. because... just maybe... they are trying to fill a ecologic gap cause by not having wolfs in the area and if we let them be nature will take place. at first the population with explode because of the vast amount of prey animals but then it will drop with lack of food. eventually evening out and get back to the natural ups and downs of things.