randomguyofthefuture t1_ita3o4h wrote
Reply to comment by ScottyandSoco in Engineers at Duke University have developed a novel delivery system for cancer treatment involving a radioactive implant demonstrating its potential against one of the disease’s most troublesome forms: pancreatic cancer. by chrisdh79
One of the top doctors at UFPTI using Proton radiation therapy for prostate cancer has stated that he considers Brachytherapy {seeds} is really the "dark ages" of radiation therapy. There are just too many problems like migration and lack of precise targeting that caused secondary side effects. The pancreas is surrounded by other essential organs that make it hard to target with traditional radiation and surgery without damaging them. Early detection is essential to be able to treat pancreatic cancer whatever the treatment. Other types of treatments other than radiation like chemotherapy and immunotherapy may be a better choice in the future.
randomguyofthefuture t1_j5rqvaz wrote
Reply to Future-Proof Jobs by [deleted]
In the foreseeable future, animation is a good field but will evolve to holographic and VR (Virtual Reality) using AI. Humans will be the consumers of that art. Humans will be the consumers of everything, food, hard goods, information, entertainment, etc. If humans don't consume then AI will have no purpose. Like the genie in Aladdin's lamp, our wish will be its command. But, as they say, " be careful what you wish for".