
rarokammaro t1_j8olqnd wrote

Honestly explains a lot of cultural attitudes. I’m from an island where it’s very normal to live to your 90s and beyond. Being an island, external food is expensive so we tend to eat lots of rice and beans, plantains, tubers, and fish.

I get really weirded out and sad when American Redditors argue with me that anything past retirement age is old, out of touch, and bordering on senile. It seems very ageist to me seeing as how I know plenty of people over 67 who are healthy and sharp as tacks. It’s incredibly disrespectful in my culture.

Treating someone who is barely 70 as knocking on death’s door makes a lot more sense to me now if their diet is full of high fructose and it’s accelerating AD symptoms.


rarokammaro t1_izzz4ou wrote

Okay but our parents didn’t crack out the TV in the middle of a restaurant. The amount of children I see plugged in with headphones on an iPad during what is supposed to be a family activity is absurd. They’re growing up disengaged from everything they do with their parents.