
ravs1973 t1_jefc3oc wrote

Reply to comment by Oztravels in Well that sucks. by Oztravels

Australia you say, not necessarily a shark, could be a rabbit wearing water wings or some other perfectly innocent looking fucker that has found a new and horrific way to hunt.


ravs1973 t1_j9f0t14 wrote

Now I'm thinking about a very different version of crocodile Dundee where Paul Hogan lobs his cock out and says 'that's not a penis, this is a penis"


ravs1973 t1_izw684z wrote

System has been used in Europe for decades. Here we are limited to 9 hours driving per day (with 2x10 hour exceptions permitted per week) you have to take at least 45 min break every 4 1/2 hours and you have to take a minimum of 9 hours rest between shifts. On top of this you have an allowance for total working time, which includes things like loading and doing your daily walkabound checks of your rig, there is a special setting on your electronic device so if checked by the authorities they know exactly what you have been doing .