
rbkc12345 t1_ja044sh wrote

I quit caffeine to try to manage mine, and once past the withdrawal, ended up 3lb heavier and twice as many migraines. Could not tell any benefit only worsening. One of my daughters had good results quitting caffeine though, fewer migraines for her.

Staying hydrated definitely helps though. As someone above noted, homeostasis, steady as you go, is key.


rbkc12345 t1_j9vbiwz wrote

I can't tell from the article whether they think this is some universal trigger? I have migraines but no insulin resistance issues at all, have not found any food that causes migraines.

Relaxation after stress is a trigger, and menstrual periods were for sure. Though fasting is a slight (not always) trigger, it seems more related to dehydration not blood sugar, electrolytes in water do help prevent fasting migraine.

So I don't think this is the only or even most common migraine trigger, but I can't tell from the article if this is their claim.