
redditavenger2019 t1_iydi2iw wrote

You have so many problems you need to contact this friend everyday? That is overdoing it. I hope you are not talking about your marriage to him. That's emotionally cheating.

You admit to wanting to do sexual things if husband is on board. You have been flirty in the past. You are into this friend more than you will admit. Start cutting back on your contact with him. Go find a bff to share your story or better yet tell your husband your problems. He may be pushing you off to his friend because you have so many issues that its tiring to hear them.


redditavenger2019 t1_iydgrna wrote

Try just being friends first, no intention of being a couple. As she gets to know you, not threatened about anything romantic, you become good friends. From there she may find you are a keeper.

You may be shooting your shot with women that are taken or in the talking stages of someone they want to be with. Just be friendly even to them, you never know who they know in the same boat as you. They may fix you up.