
redfieldp t1_jaaniol wrote

I would suggest calling and discussing your issue if it’s truly urgent. I had a six month wait for an annual skin check, but when I saw something that looked suspiciously pre-cancerous, I got an early appointment just to address that. This probably doesn’t cover you if it’s something more aesthetic or non-fatal, but worth mentioning


redfieldp t1_j450rrl wrote

Jesus H. Christ do I agree. Trying to drive home in this mess tonight and every other car had super bright LEDs not even remotely focused on the road.


redfieldp t1_iuu9h7z wrote

Someone already posted it, but I’m posting it again for more visibility: the posted prices are the full price. When you purchase a plan you give income data that then makes you potentially eligible for a subsidy. If you’re in the right bracket, you can potentially pay nothing. The full retail price is for folks who in theory can afford to pay that, and paying the high prices funds the subsidies for others.


redfieldp t1_isz5e6h wrote

You get that you don't need to add that to the State Constitution because it's already in the Federal Constitution, right? If a state tried to override the second amendment, the Supreme Court would throw out that override.

Folks are in favor of adding the reproductive amendment because the Supreme Court has essentially said "states should decide this", and so now states are doing exactly that.

AFAIK the slavery amendment is more for show/principle, and does fall under what could be categorized as liberal nonsense. Although, it never does any harm to make sure no one is keeping slaves, for any reason.