
refutalisk OP t1_jasff7q wrote

Getting doored into traffic is way more dangerous than getting doored into a sidewalk. If you have data that suggest otherwise, I will back down on this point, because we ought to make these decisions based on the best available evidence. But the way I see it, the best available evidence would say sidewalk-side is better. For example, the wikipedia article on dooring says "[G]etting doored itself usually is not fatal; rather, most serious door-zone-related injuries are sustained by getting hit by a motor vehicle after colliding with or swerving to avoid the obstructing door. Thus, most dooring deaths and serious injuries occur in the travel lane and not in the door zone."


refutalisk OP t1_jar2vi4 wrote

I tend to see different cars each time and usually with license plates. I assumed it would be harder to combat since it's many rotating illegal parkers, rather than a few sitting long-term. Maybe we're talking about different places? Or maybe usage depends on the time of day?


refutalisk t1_j2at57k wrote

I'm not sure if everyone on this thread will know already, but there are also a lot of places in Baltimore with one-way car traffic and two-way bike lanes. Certain motorists and pedestrians will be caught off guard by this, especially when it's fairly newly painted/installed like on Lanvale or on 20th.


refutalisk t1_ivaik9g wrote

I just saw an ad at Mi Comalita in charles village, but it looked like they mostly speak Spanish in the back of the house there. Ad was in spanish. Thought I saw another one recently and I will comment again if I can figure out where it was.