rfdavid t1_j665c22 wrote
Reply to comment by GloriousStoat in 2 Hialeah Police Officers Accused of Kidnapping and Beating Homeless Man by Blinky_OR
Damn, it’s probably worth reporting that guy before he hurts someone. I’d think Grindr keeps messages even after they are deleted.
rfdavid t1_j66459a wrote
Reply to comment by GloriousStoat in 2 Hialeah Police Officers Accused of Kidnapping and Beating Homeless Man by Blinky_OR
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rfdavid t1_iydcs7t wrote
Reply to comment by ImJustSaying34 in Are the divergent series appropriate for a 14-years old? by [deleted]
I live in a pretty conservative town and the heart stopper books were either banned or at the very least controversial. The good news is my 14 y/o daughter was interested due to the controversy and now she’s read the entire series and has moved on to other YA fiction. Thanks book banners.
rfdavid t1_iycvqd3 wrote
Nearly anything that gets a teenager reading is appropriate.
rfdavid t1_iwjyi6y wrote
Reply to comment by AtraMikaDelia in Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books - Internet Archive Blogs by koavf
In 10 years .txt files will be readable by literally anything with a power cord. Toasters, thermostats, etc.
rfdavid t1_iwjydmi wrote
Reply to comment by koavf in Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books - Internet Archive Blogs by koavf
.txt will last forever
rfdavid t1_j66kqv5 wrote
Reply to comment by GloriousStoat in 2 Hialeah Police Officers Accused of Kidnapping and Beating Homeless Man by Blinky_OR
Sorry to hear that. Makes sense he is angry with the small pp.
Stay safe.